is there a way to pause/resume the dynamic cycling? sometimes I get a really good color combination and want to keep it fixed there rather than continuing to cycle

Question should be self-explanatory. It would be great to have the ability to pause the lighting when you just want it to stay a particular color but if the app has the ability to do that, it's not clear where the option is for it.

2 replies

Not yet, but something I'm considering. Which scene was it that made the combination you wanted to keep static?



I think basically anything that has a strong white component in the palette would benefit (Morning Golf for example). One of my rooms has two top-down lights and three directional ones and it looks much better in some combinations than it does in others based on whether any of the directional lights have cycled to white and how intense it is.

OK, thank you for the feedback, glad to know you like those scenes! Have you tried creating a group with the top down lights, and another group with the other ones, and playing separate scenes on each group? That could lead to nice combinations. You can create "Light Zones" with bulbs that are already assigned to a room by selecting the "Zone" option in the room creation menu.